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Reasons to own an ATM Machine

ATM Cash Machines Help to Increase Your Sales.

ATM Cash Machines Help to Increase Your Sales.
ATM cash machines allow your customers to access all of their available cash from bank cards, credit cards, etc., so when customers have more money, they spend more money. A study done by 7-Eleven and Convenience Store Decisions Magazine show 10% to 20% of the money withdrawn from an ATM cash machine is spent in that store.

ATM Cash Machines Reduce Bad Debt.
Cash does not bounce. When a customer uses cash from an ATM cash machine it cuts down the charge backs, disputes, bad checks, and the stress associated with these.

ATM Cash Machines Improve Security.
By having an ATM cash machine there is less risk of robbery and employee theft.

ATM Cash Machines Reduce Costs.
By directing your customer to the ATM cash machine, you can greatly reduce the credit card fees you are currently paying.

ATM Cash Machines Save Time.
ATM cash machines can save a customer embarrassment and employees time. An ATM cash machine also deposits directly into your bank account, which saves time and work.

Improved Image.
By providing new and unique services for your patrons, your image is improved. One reason people patronize your store is value. An ATM cash machine adds to the overall value of your store.

ATM Cash Machines Increase Customers.
Your customers will no longer have to stop at your competitors to get cash (and spend it there). You will have customers stopping at your place of business because you can accommodate their needs.

ATM Cash Machines Increase Profits.
With surcharge fees, you should earn enough to cover the cost of the ATM cash machine. The real profit comes from the additional sales from the thousands of extra dollars available in your store.


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